Why Companies and Skilled Workers Are Turning to On-Demand Work

During his morning run one of our founders came across this podcast from the HBR Ideacast series. Since we at LawyerlinQ are evangelists of remote, and on demand legal work as a means of optimizing legal organizations, we must share this with you of course.

It’s an interview with Joseph Fuller, professor at Harvard Business School, and Allison Bailey, senior partner at Boston Consulting Group, following their article on the rise of on-demand work, in the november HBR issue.

If you are a manager of a legal department, or a managing partner at a law firm looking to expand your understanding of what is happening in the market for highly skilled workers, you don’t want to miss the insights these researchers have to offer.

Here is the link to the podcast:

Intro from the HBR website: Joseph Fuller, professor at Harvard Business School, and Allison Bailey, senior partner at Boston Consulting Group, say that the Covid-19 pandemic is only accelerating a recent trend of companies turning to digital talent platforms for highly skilled workers. The need for agility and specialized skills has more firms seeking help with projects. Meanwhile, more workers are joining these online marketplaces for the promise of greater flexibility and agency. Fuller and Bailey explain how organizations can strategically employ this on-demand workforce to unlock value. With HBS researcher Manjari Raman and BCG partner Nithya Vaduganathan, they wrote the HBR article "Rethinking the On-Demand Workforce."

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