Insights & blogs

Legal Craftmanship
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Legal Craftmanship

LawyerlinQ sponsors the Dutch Independent Legal Award. Hollands election of the most talented independent lawyers.

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Why Companies and Skilled Workers Are Turning to On-Demand Work
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Why Companies and Skilled Workers Are Turning to On-Demand Work

We would likt to share this podcast from the HBR Ideacast series. It’s an interview with Harvard Business School, and Boston Consulting Group experts on the rise of on-demand work.

If looking to expand your understanding of what is happening in the market for highly skilled workers, you don’t want to miss the insights these researchers have to offer.

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Client portfolio analysis: invaluable for law firms
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Client portfolio analysis: invaluable for law firms

The March-April issue of HBR features an article on Client Portfolio Analysis that we feel is of interest for law firm practice leaders, especially the ones that are experiencing pressure on their pricing from clients.

It provides insights on which clients and which strategy match your practice best.

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